july twenty-ninth
someone very near to my heart recently asked me if i knew anything about dreams. and although we were discussing the pseudo physical, semi-conscious form of dreaming, i couldn't help but think of the concrete manifestation of these trance-like hallucinations. i turn twenty-two years old next week. twenty-two years of living. birthdays call for both an open and a close, a period of reflection and and an occasion for tactical strategizing of the next three hundred and sixty some odd days. dreams, if you will. i can remember being eight years old and wanting the moon, figuratively that is, and as i grew older, learning what it would take to get there. my life has been a lesson of courage, of flexibility, perseverance, and a consistent refusal to be crippled by fear. i believe in forgetting and forgiving past mistakes, and in appreciative thanksgiving for accordant faith. new york is a city of dreamers, and i am so grateful for the twenty-one years that it took to get here. these streets are filled with the ceaseless pursuit of ideas, and i'm just another soul contributing to the chase. twenty-two will be a year of extravagant dreams.