june twenty-ninth

i'd like to start by apologizing for the time-lapse between posts. new york is a busy place and i've been simply spellbound by the splendor of the city, lost in the lifeblood that floods the streets. after a month of being here, i finally feel like i'm a part of the crowd, no longer am i sticking out like a sore southern thumb. i have gained a better sense of direction, skimmed the surface of gotham's vernacular, and learned the ever handy secret of city flats. the big apple has forced me to grow up a great deal in a short amount of time, and i'm grateful for every lesson learned.

work has been constant, which is a blessing for both the agency and my ever curious mind. i've been transitioning from a social media management intern into a creative as those above me recognize my eye for cinematography. recently i've been planning, shooting, and editing still photography and short spots for one of our top clients (of course for confidentiality reasons i can't divulge much more than that) and experimenting with animation. it has been so refreshing to be back in an editing bay, i hope that my diverse background will soon be held invaluable and the powers that be are forced to keep me on board. only time will tell.

until next time friends.