woke up to grey skies this morning in manhattan. the weather has been somber since my arrival but it has had little to no effect on the mood of the city. i have instantly fallen in love with the constant scramble, the four a.m. discordant traffic, and the bagels at murray's on sixth avenue. running on little to no sleep, we headed across the bridge into brooklyn today to unpack and settle in to my nook on thirty-sixth street. it's safe to say that nook is a generous term, i laid on the floor this afternoon and found that my limbs touched both walls. nevertheless, it is home now, and as i slowly slip from tiredness into exhaustion i welcome the coziness of this tiny niche.
i am thankful for the ceaseless and matchless love of my parents that brought me here so far from home, and though i may be afraid, i know because of them that strong people are not made easily. it has been a long road, both literally and metaphorically, but i have been given a spirit of power and of self-control and am ready for the challenges ahead.